Project upd8 time!!

Did you know? this section is for listing off the updates on my projects.
I'm going to be putting some rss feeds or whatever here, along with easy to navigate menu'ing to link to my projects, and their overview threads and mirrors.
That way no matter what site my media is hosted on you'll be able to scroll through it. This will include voidverse and my pokemon stuff.

For now look at this edit image

There are two cognions in this image. An individual of the cairnlith species, and an individual of the pterid species
The cairnlith are commonly associated with being a megafauna bred selectively by the loineur people while their world was still folded. From them the Cachelithe was bred by the Loineur people as a bio-organic storage solution and pet.
The pterid are commonly associated with being a domestic bred selectively by the hadrophont, flotillan, and mantaean peoples while their worlds were folded.
Both are seen throughout the void whether spawned feral or of a congioneered cultivar. Many are starter-viable 'gnions that some find endearing.
Both will feature as voting options in NERrium Alienation Client's third update, with which the seer may populate the NER.

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